
Civil Rights

Tampa honors civil rights advocates on the 65th anniversary of a historic downtown sit-in

Listen: Sixty-five years ago, a group of high school students staged a peaceful sit-in at a segregated lunch counter in downtown Tampa. On Thursday, local leaders honored the civil rights activists on the anniversary of...

MLK final year and reinauguration day

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr spent the last year of his life under scrutiny and attack by the FBI under it's notoriously racist director J. Edgar Hoover.
WMNF 88.5

Is the Florida Democratic Party Silencing Criticism of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

Florida Democratic Party activist Russ Miller says his party is silencing anyone who speaks out against Israel’s war in Gaza. With over 17,000 children killed and Gaza now having the world’s highest number of amputee...

Resistance time for revolutionaries

Fredrick Allen Hampton was a powerful 21-year-old Black Panther Party (BPP) activist and self-described revolutionary socialist. He was the prominent leader and chairman of the Chicago, Illinois, chapter of the Black Panther Party. Their “Power...

Fascist violence and the truth laid bare

Commemorative in Ocoee, FL marking racist election day violence in 1920. On the eve of the 2024 elections pro-democracy forces are battling the forces of totalitarianism.

Banned Books are Fighting Back

A federal First Amendment lawsuit was filed last month by major book publishers, authors, parents, and students challenging Florida's book bans. Dan Novack, lawyer for lead plaintiff, Penguin Random House publishers, and Judi Hayes, an...
football prayer

A court rejects a Tampa Christian school’s lawsuit over a blocked pregame prayer

A court said the Florida High School Athletic Association did not violate First Amendment rights when it blocked a school from prayer.

Presidential legacies, supreme courts and a world autocratic league

Limited immunity for presidents, stopping autocrats.

Breaking News With Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Binoy Kampmark, senior lecturer at RMIT University, Melbourne is emphatic on the crucial importance of press freedom. He has been at the forefront of the Wikileaks-Julian Assange story reporting with much-needed insights. With every new...

Voting With a Purpose

Jarvis Karim El-Amin stops in to announce an epic candidate forum, voter education and registration rally coming to the Tampa Bay Community. Expect sights of D.L. Hughley and civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump. The Q...

Tampa’s Fearless Four Fought Discrimination in City Employment

MidPoint learns the history of The Fearless Four: four Black Tampa policemen who, in the face of heavy backlash, filed a racial discrimination complaint against the Tampa Police Dept. in the 1970's, which helped spark...

Tampa leaders announce new Black history museum

Listen: The Tampa Bay History Center and Tampa Housing Authority announced plans for a new Black history museum in the city. It’ll be located in a formerly thriving Black business district. City leaders including Tampa...
Traffic Jam Wednesday
Traffic Jam Wednesday