
Civil Liberties

How the Parkland students are pulling off a worldwide movement

And these children that you spit on As they try to change their worlds Are immune to your consultations They’re quite aware of what they’re going through* By KELLI KENNEDY, Associated Press PARKLAND, Fla. (AP) —...

MidPoint for Thursday, March 22 – Joe Redner and Tampa Pride director Carrie West

Adult club entrepreneur and progressive activist Joe Redner is awaiting a decision by a Leon County Circuit Judge regarding his lawsuit claiming that the Florida Dept. of Health has unconstitutionally denied him the right to...

Jewish Survivor of Nazi Germany Discusses His Neighbor Adolph Hitler

Radioactivity 3 20 18 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up—we’ll meet a 94 year old Jewish survivor of Hitler’s Germany…. And we’ll talk with one of the Democrats who is running...

MidPoint for Thursday, March 15 – John Judis and Tampa mayoral candidate Topher Morrison

Journalist and author John B. Judis was our guest for the first part of this edition of MidPoint. Judis is an editor at large at Talking Points Memo and the author of The Populist Explosion: How...

Women Didn’t Count At All on Life Elsewhere

“When the founders wrote, ‘We the People’ they really meant ‘We the White, Wealthy Men.’ Despite much lofty rhetoric, all men were not created equal and women didn’t count at all” You are just four...

Blake High School Students Plan Walkout Tomorrow to Protest Gun Violence

Radioactivity 2 22 18 Good morning, Welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. After last week’s massacre at the high school in Parkland, high school students from around the country have been organizing walkouts, meetings, protests-...

Democratic freedoms are waning in US, according to watchdog group

Watchdog says democratic freedoms waning in US under Trump By JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Basic rights and political freedoms in the United States are deteriorating at a faster pace under President Donald Trump,...

Anti Killer Drone Activist Says Tiny Robot Assassins Might Be Built Within Next 18 Months

Radioactivity 1 11 18 Welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Imagine a tiny killer drone—smaller than a butterfly— able to fly almost anywhere to assassinate human beings. Either one by one- or in the thousands....

MidPoint for Thursday, Jan 4 – State Sen. Darryl Rouson and Marijuana Policy Project’s Morgan Fox

With the announcement by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he is rescinding an Obama-era policy that had discouraged federal prosecutors from bringing charges of marijuana-related crimes in states that have legalized sales of the drug,...

Women’s Show 12/14: The Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America & Tax Reform Update

Hurrah!  Joy to the World!  Doug Jones wins in Alabama.  Pedophile loses.  Let there be light. I wonder how many men, not only the most powerful ones, are hoping the light won’t shine on them! ...

July 12 was the Net Neutrality Day of Action {UPDATED}

FCC Commissioners are set to vote on Net Neutrality this Thursday. The Commission will likely vote along party lines – 3 yes repeal votes from the Rs and 2 no repeal votes from the Ds....

The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump

Radioactivity 12 5 17 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up- During last year’s presidential campaign and now in the 13 months since the election—right wing speakers and groups have become more...
Acoustic Peace Club
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