
Animal Rights

Rice's whale Or Gulf Of Mexico Whale (NOAA)

Endangered Rice’s Whale faces threat after 1.1 million gallon oil spill

Listen: After over a million gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico in November, one environmental advocate is raising concern for one of the most endangered whales in the world. In 2021, scientists...
The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: Tues., December 12, 2023 Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

Controversial Miami Wilds project A federal judge ruled that the National Park Service violated two federal laws when it decided to release land to Miami-Dade County for the controversial Miami Wilds project.   Driskell raises...

Special gator hunting permits put on hold in Florida

A proposal would let five people hunt gators throughout the season in any management unit, on some public wetlands or on private land.

A surprising statistic sparks concern for the endangered Florida panther

The Florida Panther is our state’s official animal and one of the most endangered mammals in the country. WMNF's Chris Young reports.
Rice's whale Or Gulf Of Mexico Whale (NOAA)

NOAA Fisheries denies petition for endangered whale protection near ports, sparking concern

Listen: A petition seeking to protect of one the most endangered whales in the world by creating restrictions near Florida’s west-coast ports was denied by federal officials on Friday. The petition would have restricted speeds...
WMNF 88.5

Episode 19: Earnest Coney Chief Executive of CDC of Tampa

CDC of Tampa is a social service organization that is responsible for making society better by providing skills for the modern workforce, real estate for low to affordable housing, and youth programs.  This CDC organization...
The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: Wed., August 16, 2023 Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

Gopher Tortoise’s protection The Gopher tortoise is a threatened species native to the southeastern US. The Center for Biological Diversity is suing the US Fish and Wildlife Service for denying the animal Endangered Species Act...
Gopher tortoise like those found at Boyd Hill

Environmental group sues US Fish and Wildlife Service in hopes of protecting gopher tortoise

Listen: The Gopher tortoise is a threatened species native to the southeastern US, and  The Center for Biological Diversity is suing the US Fish and Wildlife Service for denying the animal Endangered Species Act protections....

New rules implemented to protect seabirds at world’s longest fishing pier

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission approved a new rule for the Sunshine Skyway Fishing Pier State Park.
Eastern indigo snake

Eastern indigo snake pushed out of habitat by overdevelopment

The  Eastern Indigo Snake is a threatened species, and the overdevelopment of the snake’s natural habitat may be the cause.
The Scoop WMNF

The Scoop: WMNF’s daily digest of news headlines for Wednesday, July 6th, 2023

Offshore regulations to protect the Gulf’s only resident whale species proposed and contested A petition is seeking to protect of one the most endangered whales in the world by creating restrictions near Florida’s west-coast ports....
Rice's whale Or Gulf Of Mexico Whale (NOAA)

Petition to protect endangered Rice’s whale draws mixed reactions

A petition is seeking to protect of one the most endangered whales in the world by creating restrictions near Florida’s west-coast ports.
The Morning Show Wednesday
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