
Alternative Medicine/Health

Florida’s 2016 amendments summarized for you

There are four statewide amendments on the ballot this election cycle (one was passed during the primaries in August). Some of the counties along the central West Coast of Florida also have amendments for your...
Vote here today

The Danger of GMO’s and Another Effort to Remove People of Color from the Voting Rolls

BY Rob Lorei Our first guest on Radioactivity Thursday was author Caitlin Shetterly who’s written a new book called Modified: GMO’s and the Threat to Our Food, Our Land, Our Future. Few years ago Caitlin Shetterly was looking...

Women’s Show Discusses EpiPen Blues 9/1

EpiPen is the prototype of what has gone wrong with the delivery of health care in this country. On Thursday’s show we spoke with Dr. Adam Gaffney, M.D.,staff physician at the Division of Pulmonary and Critical...
medical pot marijuana

Medical pot supporters will protest Publix

A former member of the Board of directors of Publix, who is also the daughter of the grocery chain’s founder, has contributed $800,000 to a group trying to defeat a medical pot question on November’s ballot....
solar Duke

Floridians for Solar Choice aiming for 2018, not 2016

It’s been speculated for a while, but Monday for the first time the executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said for certain the Floridians for Solar Choice question will not be on this...

Herbalist & Herb Conference on the Sustainable Living Show

On today’s WMNF Sustainable Living program we spent the hour talking about herbs and the upcoming Florida Herbal Conference. Our guests were Michael Tiner, one of the conference organizers; Bob Linde, an acupuncture physician and...

Compassionate Communication on the Sustainable Living show

Today on the Sustainable Living Program we spent the hour talking about communication skills. Our guests were Stephanie Bachmann Mattei, a certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, and Andrew Rock, a member of...

Global Health On Morning Energy

  World AIDS Day is one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO). The others include:  World Health Day, World Blood Donor Day, World Immunization Week, World...

United for Care renews effort for medical marijuana amendment

An amendment to legalize medical marijuana failed to pass last November, but there is an renewed effort for the 2016 ballot. United for Care is once again working to collect the 700,000 signatures and supreme...
WMNF 88.5

Recent food science discovery cuts calories in rice by half, and the chemistry behind healthy leftovers

Recent food science discovery cuts calories in rice by half, and the chemistry behind healthy leftovers
WMNF 88.5

The dangers of caramel-colored soda, and how to naturally fight off pollen season

The dangers of caramel-colored soda, and how to naturally fight off pollen season

Holistic Health Expo in St. Petersburg showcases alternative medicine

As Americans struggle to get essential health services many people are now looking to alternative approaches to pair with preventative care. Last Saturday, there was a Holistic Health Expo at First Unity Church in St....
Saturday Night Shutdown
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