“Breaking The Glass Ceiling” is a phrased that was coined by Marilyn Loden , an American writer, management consultant, and diversity advocate. Loden used the phrase in 1978, during a panel discussion about women’s aspirations (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-42026266).
“Breaking The Glass Ceilings” is a metaphor about an invisible barrier that affects the advancement of women and minorities. However, despite these invisible barriers, women and minorities have managed to prevail in profound ways.
On Morning Energy and as part of Women’s History Month, we are going to spend time exploring the different ways that women have “Broken The Glass Ceiling” in various areas of society.
Join me, Renna Reddick Friday from 4 to 6 a.m. for a special musical journey about this topic! I am definitely looking forward to spending time with you on the airwaves and sharing your energy!!!
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