WMNF Pulse: Keeping You Updated

The Scoop: Thurs. Sept. 19, 2024, Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

Three more Florida teenagers have been arrested for threats made against schools -- these were in Manatee County.
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FPL gets an operating extension for its Miami-Dade Turkey Point nuclear plant

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved license renewals that will allow Turkey Point reactors to continue operating until 2052 and 2053.
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nuclear energy

SOTD 9/19/24: Mother by Goofy Geese

The WMNF Song of the Day for August 19, 2024 is Mother by Goofy Geese. Their debut album, Gúfigis, is a lovely collection of rich,...
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The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: Thu., January 25, 2024 Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

$4.8 million awarded in grants to non-profits 30 non-profits that are focusing on underserved zip codes in south St. Petersburg received grants. WMNF’s Chris Young reports that funds focus on prioritizing mental health for black...
pot plants

Could Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis be the weed whisperer?

Ron DeSantis predicted a proposed constitutional amendment legalizing recreational marijuana will get on Florida's November ballot.
cash money U.S. currency overdraft fees

Florida budget proposals start taking shape

Lawmakers could boost spending on the state prison system, but not increase funding for tourism marketing and economic development.
social media

The Florida House passes a bill to prevent children under 16 from having social media accounts

The House voted 106-13 to approve HB 1, amid arguments from parts of the tech industry that the bill would be unconstitutional.
Florida redistricting

The Florida Supreme Court will take up whether the state’s congressional redistricting plan is unconstitutional

The Florida Supreme Court’s indicated that the case is unlikely to be resolved in time for the 2024 congressional elections.

$4.8 million in minority mental health and economic equity funding awarded to south St. Petersburg nonprofits

Listen: Two organizations have awarded almost 5 million dollars in grants for non-profits focusing on underserved zip codes in South St. Petersburg. The funds focused on prioritizing mental health for black and indigenous people of...
vacation home sunset

A bill to change regulations on vacation rentals is ready to be heard in the Florida Senate

After years of debate about the issue, the Florida Senate will take up aSB 280, to revamp regulations about vacation-rental properties.
social media

Florida House is poised to pass a bill to prohibit minors younger than 16 from creating social media accounts

Bill supporters say there are detrimental effects of social media on children’s mental health.
Tampa Police Chief logo

Police review boards are targeted by Florida Legislature

A Florida Senate committee approved an effort to ban review boards that investigate local law enforcement.
Nikki Gaskin-Capehart

New Pinellas Urban League CEO focuses on housing, eqiuity

Nikki Gaskin-Capehart has had a busy four months since she was named president and CEO of the Pinellas County Urban League, but her work has just begun. Gaskin-Capehart took over the 46-year-old non-profit group in...

Bill proposes changes and restrictions after disastrous school voucher rollout

Listen: A disastrous rollout left many Florida families without school voucher funds. A house bill that advanced Tuesday is seeking to make some changes. Last year, Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 1, one of...
Rx prescription drugs pharmacy pharmacist

U.S. and Canada discuss a drug importation plan

U.S. and Canadian officials discussed the Biden administration’s approval of a Florida plan to import cheaper prescription drugs from Canada.

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