Are you feeling stressed and uncertain about the future of our country, your future, your job, or your children? MidPoint wants to help. On March 19, we heard from 2 psychologists who offered some mental health assistance and some coping strategies to guide us through these challenging times. Marlene Bloom, Tampa’s Resistance Psychologist on Instagram, and Dani Rosenkrantz, a Queer, Jewish Psychologist practicing as Brave Space Psychology, both joined Shelley on MidPoint to address the high anxiety people are feeling as a result of the chaos emanating from Washington and the Trump agenda.
Marlene is also politically active with the Democratic Party, so she is acutely conscious of the stresses that our current politics is causing so many of us opposed to the Trump agenda. She’s begun a series on Instagram counseling Trump Resistors so they can stay healthy and grounded and ready to fight back against the tide of chaos and upheaval we face. Dani’s practice helps Jewish, LGBTQ+, and BIPOC people live full and brave lives when these communities are facing particular stressors because of the rise in anti-Semitism, and the attacks on DEI and the LGBTQ+ and trans communities.
Many helpful ideas were shared by Marlene and Dani to assist people who feel overwhelmed by the firehose of threats emanating from the White House. We heard suggestions for how to remain grounded in the present, to build and rely on our community, and to temper our instincts to “doomscroll” by turning off notifications and limiting our focus on the news. Marlene also suggested that survival in the Trump Era was not a sprint or a marathon, but a relay, where we can “tag out” when we feel exhausted and unproductive and allow others to pick up the baton of resistance, while we rest and recharge to later get back in the fight. Dani urged us not to lose sight of nature and find peace in the outdoors.
Listen to the entire show here, on the WMNF app, or as a WMNF MidPoint podcast on Spotify or Apple Music.
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