Amy Rigby, It’s A Pleasure (on Life Elsewhere)


What a pleasure it is to know Amy Rigby.

Some people, no, make that a lot of people in the rock ’n’ roll racket can be miserable sods. I put it down to spending far too much time living on the road. Even if you’re The Stones taking up whole floors of grand hotels with your ever-increasing entourage, it’s still a bloody hotel, no matter how good the room service is or the thread-count of the sheets. Living on the road, meandering from one gig to another ain’t no fun-filled escapade.

Even fresh-faced young wannabes realize the sex ’n’ drugs and rock ’n’ roll lifestyle gets stale, if not boring after the first week. So, what a pleasure it is to know Amy Rigby. She’s a veteran of lugging her precious and trusty equipment from one venue to another. But, no matter how many stairs she has to climb before she can collapse on yet another suspiciously-soiled creaky bed. And, despite almost never finding a place to eat with passable edible food, Amy manages to always carry on with a beguiling smile and, wait for it, a bloody good attitude.

You don’t often come across someone who has spent the best part of their lives in the wacky world of rock ’n’ roll with the great attitude Amy Rigby has. She is about to embark on yet another expedition in support of her new album, The Old Guys. So, what a pleasure it is to welcome Amy back to Life Elsewhere to talk about and play a selection from her new album. In the last year Amy has shared her thoughts on Love, Holiday Gifts and next we’ll learn about  The Old Guys. This is her first album in a dozen years, with twelve unmistakably Amy Rigby songs, recorded with Wreckless Eric in upstate New York.

Norman B January 24, 2018

Life Elsewhere is available at NPR One & iTunes

Sundays 12 noon ET at The Source WMNF HD3  

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