The new year brings an expansion to a Tampa area non-profit.
A merger between the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay and Success 4 Kids and Families (S4KF) went into effect on Jan. 1.
The Crisis Center’s CEO Clara Reynolds founded S4KF in 2005.
“It has its roots in, a different philosophy and a different way of working with children and their families who struggle with severe behavioral health challenges,” Reynolds said.
In the past, individuals who called the center received assistance in the initial crisis but were then referred out.
“Now, when fit kids or when children, family members, adolescents call and they need help and support, we’re able to refer not just in the community but also internally, to this wonderful new resource,” Reynolds said. “And we’re very excited about that opportunity.”
Case management is one of the merger’s new offerings. And in some cases, families can work with case managers for longer terms, like nine, 12, or 18 months.
“The case manager works with that family to really identify what are the things that the child in the house and the family need to get to better,” Reynolds said. “Then that case manager facilitates bringing all of those resources in.”
“Maybe it’s therapy, maybe it’s a mentor, maybe it is some tutoring. It could be equine therapy. Anything that that child in that family need to get to that place of better,” she added.
The new services are offered for people ages 5 to 24.
To connect, call 2-1-1 or visit the website.
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