Ron DeSantis signs a bill creating a public records exemption for info about Florida gambling regulators

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Sport betting and gambling by wildpixel via iStock for WMNF News.

©2024 The News Service of Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that will create a public records exemption for personal information about members of the Florida Gaming Control Commission. The bill (SB 692) was approved unanimously by the Legislature this year after drawing little attention. It will shield from public disclosure information such as home addresses, telephone numbers and dates of birth of current and former commissioners and family members. The bill says the Legislature “finds that the release of such personal identifying and location information might place the commission’s current or former commissioners and their family members in danger of physical and emotional harm from disgruntled individuals whose businesses or professional practices have come under the scrutiny of the commission. In addition, such personnel may be subject to threats or acts of revenge because of the duties they perform.” Lawmakers created the commission in 2021 to regulate the gambling industry. DeSantis’ office announced late Friday that he had signed the bill, along with 13 others from this year’s legislative session.

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