“Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation”....Coretta Scott King.
Juneteenth is a federal holiday in the United States (U.S) and has been celebrated since 2021.

Juneteenth commemorates the official ending of slavery in the U.S.  However, despites this tremendous progress, hundreds of thousands of African American were still not able to fully participate in the American dream during the post war reconstruction period in the south due to racial segregation laws known as the “Jim Crow laws” that made African Americans second-class citizens.  Consequently, this resulted in a mass migration of African Americans to urban cities in the North and West which became known as the “Great Migration”. Some of these cities included Los Angeles, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago and Harlem.

On Morning Energy we are going to explore the connection of Juneteenth to the Harlem Renaissance. 

Join me, Renna Friday from 4-6am for a special musical journey about this topic.

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