Understanding Alcohol’s Impact, Alternatives for Addison’s Disease, and Prostate Health


In this episode of the Healthy Steps Radio Show, Dr. Fred Harvey delves into the impact of alcohol on health, explores alternative treatments for Addison’s disease, and discusses options for prostate health. Dr. Harvey also answers a variety of listener questions, providing insights and practical advice on managing allergies, coping with persistent coughs, and more.

Callers and Topics:

  • Addison’s Disease (00:12:55) Marie: Asked about alternative medicine treatments for Addison’s disease and the least harmful common drugs prescribed.
  • Severe Allergies (00:16:12) Victoria: Inquired about managing severe allergies, concerns with certain medications, and alternatives for costochondritis and rib pain.
  • Persistent Cough (00:19:32) David: Discussed a persistent cough potentially related to mold exposure and asked about testing and preventive measures.
  • Cat Bite Infection (00:25:01) Antoinette: Shared a story about a serious cat bite infection and asked for advice on recovering from prolonged antibiotic use and strengthening her immune system.
  • Prostate Health (00:30:24) Patrick: Discussed the impact of alcohol on his family and sought advice on managing prostate gland growth and potential surgery options.
  • Protein Intake (00:37:24) Tom: Asked about increasing protein intake and the pros and cons of low-fat cheese versus other protein sources.
  • Duodenal Ulcer (00:41:54) Karen: Inquired about alternative ways to heal a duodenal ulcer and dietary considerations related to hypothyroidism.
  • Sugar Addiction Recovery (00:45:28) Sharon: Sought advice on overcoming sugar addiction and managing gastrointestinal distress.
  • Lithium Orotate (00:48:18) Crystal: Asked about the benefits and sources of lithium orotate for stabilizing mood and aiding ADD.

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