Green Burials with Laura Starkey and Sarah Lasswell

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On Monday, June 24th, Tanja and guest host Grace, were joined on the Sustainable Living Show by Laura Starkey of Heartwood Preserve and Sarah Lasswell of Moss and Thistle Farm to discuss green burials.

Laura is the founder and executive director of Heartwood Preserve Conservation Cemetery, a natural cemetery and nature preserve located in Trinity, Florida and Sarah is a willow casket weaver in the Appalachian foothills of North Carolina as well as the executive director of The Sophia Center for Life Studies, a non-profit that provides education and support for community-based deathcare.

Topics discussed include:

-what is green burial and why is it a more ecological option

-embalming (what, how, why & is it necessary)

-options for green burials

-willow casket weaving

-community based death care

-the ecological impact of conventional burial

-death and grief as a societal taboo

and more!

To learn more about the work of Heartwood Preserve check out their website here. Follow these links to see more of Sarah’s willow weaving and to learn about her non-profit (The Sophia Center).

If you love the Sustainable Living show and want to help us stay on air, head over to the tip jar and direct your donation to Sustainable Living. Don’t forget to tune in every Monday at 11am on the best little radio station on planet earth, 88.5fm, or listen to past episodes in the archives.


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